Square Garden is being renovated, 2018-2019

Square Garden is ready for new planting and a number of adjustments to make better use of the garden. Commissioned by Ymere, I made a proposal including a new planting plan for the large areas. The basis consists of four evergreen ornamental grasses that are planted mixed together. Bulbs have been planted in between, which will bloom profusely in the spring. The circles with perennials provide more color in the garden during the summer and autumn. The new planting started at the end of 2018. This year I will monitor the growth of the plants. See Instagram or these posts for this.

Heerlijck Zicht in Diepenheim


Heerlijck Zicht is a route past works of art in the landscape around Diepenheim. The route is based on a walk that pastor and walking pioneer Jacobus Craandijk made in 1874. He described the route in ‘Walks through the Netherlands with pen and pencil’.
I designed a temporary garden for the Old General Cemetery in Diepenheim. This cemetery, which was closed in 1910, still contains about 60 stone grave monuments, in an otherwise empty green space. Under the turf are about 400 graves that have not been cleared, but whose wooden grave markers have disappeared over time. The awareness of a forgotten history is shown this summer by marking the old graves with sunflowers: “L’histoire perdue”.
The sunflowers were sown at the beginning of May, 7 types of Helianthus. They are now growing nicely and if the weather gods continue to cooperate, they will bloom in August. The exhibition can be seen from July 1 to September 1

Heerlijck Zicht Article Tubantia (Dutch)

Art assignment advice Anatomiegebouw Leiden

For the Boerhaave University Residential District Foundation in Leiden, I advise and supervise an art assignment for the garden of the former Anatomy Building.

This building was part of the educational buildings of the Faculty of Medicine. The Foundation acquired the building and had it converted into housing units for PhD students.

After a selection procedure in the spring of 2016, the design ‘Everybody’ by Hester Oerlemans was chosen to be implemented. The statue is expected to be installed this fall.

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